Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Essay Example

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Paper sound repeated within words where vowel sounds are repeated define assonance sound repeated where identical or similar consonant sounds are repeated at the end or within a line define consonance repetition recurrence of sounds, words, phrases, lines, or stanzas in a speech or piece of writing; increases the feeling of unity in a poem or song, called a refrain imagery language that emphasizes sensory impressions to help the reader of a literary work see, feel, hear, small and taste the scenes described in the work wants to look around why does the speaker stop in the woods? unsure of why theyre stopping why does the horse shake its bells? the village in the poem, what are the woods contrasted with? reminds the readers of his destination why does the poet repeat the last lines of the poem? AABA BBCB CCDC DDDD what is the rhyme scheme of the poem? sound besides sight imagery, what sense do lines 9-12 appeal to? reflective what is the overall tone of the poem? examples of consonance and assonance sounds sweet, he harness, bells gives, whose woods these, he see me, not stopping, woods frozen The poet is in the middle of the woods, enjoying nature and its peacefulness. However, he has something to do in the village and he knows he has to go. Hes not sure if he should stay or go, but he decides to leave. Describe the conflict hes facing. the village where does the owner of the woods live? theres nothing there why would the horse think its odd to stop there? wind and snow blowing what the poet hears besides the horses bells has somewhere to be and promises to keep why does the speaker decide to carry on with the journey? emphasizes how long of a trip he has left what is the effect of repeating the final lines of a poem? and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. what is repeated? helps readers appreciate the sound of a poem how do assonance and consonance strengthen the poem? helps you visualize the woods how efficiently does the speaker convey his attitude to the woods on the snowy evening? he enjoys watching nature what do these activities tel you about the speakers personality?

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