Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bad Effects of Technology - 5844 Words

Negative Effects of Computers in Classrooms By Jessy Norman Computers and other related technologies have become an enormous part of our daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space, and time. From our living rooms, we can now talk to people, and watch ev ents unfold in far-off places. Shopping, banking, and game playing are just a few of the other daily activities that have also changed. So many aspects of the ways we communicate and handle information have been altered by technological development. Cellu l ar phones, answering machines, voice mail, fax machines, cable televisions, computer networks, satellite communications and e-mail are only some recent changes. Other manifestations of this change would be the location of†¦show more content†¦. In the e arly 1960s Skinner said that teaching machines and programmed instruction would increase student learning. Those first-generation Apples and PCs often sat collecting dust in classroom corners, largely because teachers had little time or resources to learn more about them, even if they had the inclination. So, with more computers in classrooms now then ever, why is it that schools are not producing millions of Bill Gates clones? It seems that they have rushed this computers in with out having one k e y element-- training the teachers. Education Week Magazine has just completed a report on technology in school that shows teachers do not know what to do with all that RAM. Almost 50% dont use computers at all in teaching, and only 16 percent use the I nternet. The Educational software thats out there doesnt provide much promise:70% of high school teachers said finding useful products is nearly impossible (Teachers are Lagging off on Logging on). Today, however schools and teacher education programs a re having to assist teachers in learning the technology skills they need in order to prepare for life in the future. The use of computer technology and the growing access to educational resources through the Internet are requiring educators to rethink ho w they teach and to help students to prepare for work in upcoming decades. Most teachers, though are not adequately prepared yet to make use of exciting new educational technologies because neither their teacherShow MoreRelatedTechnology Has A Good Or Bad Effect On Learning Today?1136 Words   |  5 PagesDo you think that technology has a good or bad effect on learning today? The authors Clive Thompson, David Gelernter, Emily Yoffe, Nicholas A. Christakis, and James H. Fowler; all have different views on how technology s effects on today’s generation. Clive Thompson thinks technology helps students a lot in this day and age. 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