Sunday, August 23, 2020

Drug Education and Public Awareness Free Essays

Since forever, America has been battling against medication and liquor maltreatment in youngsters and grown-ups. Numerous ways organizations and hostile to sedate gatherings attempt to forestall medication and liquor misuse is through training in educational systems and out of educational systems. They show youthful understudies medications and liquor before they chance being around them, and they show more established understudies drugs while they are around in their day by day lives. We will compose a custom paper test on Medication Education and Public Awareness or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Are these training programs extremely important? That†s the inquiry numerous individuals pose, and furthermore the inquiry I†m going to endeavor to reply. The legislature is typically the gathering that endeavors to instruct individuals about the circumstances and end results of medications and liquor through projects, for example, D.A.R.E (sedate maltreatment opposition training) or S.M.A.R.T. (Explicit Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Specified destinations). D.A.R.E. attempts to instruct kids about medications and liquor while S.M.A.R.T. conducts studies to perceive how viable these projects truly are. There have been a few investigations done that neglected to discover any an incentive in the DARE program. Around 26 million American younger students are instructed to oppose the draw of medications and liquor by the DARE program, an examined indicated that the vast majority of the understudies who took the multi week DARE program wound up utilizing medications and liquor at a similar rate as youngsters who found out about them in an ordinary wellbeing class. Numerous individuals imagine that DARE is the enchantment projectile to take care of the medication and liquor issues in the country. Another investigation led in Illinois on around 1800 understudies, demonstrated that DARE understudies utilized th! e same measure of medications who didn't take the program, and another examination presumed that DARE understudies were bound to utilize drugs than understudies without the training. Many citizens request to perceive what sway their cash is having on substance misuse. The SMART program conducts numerous tests to show how powerful or insufficient the utilization of medication and liquor anticipation or instruction programs truly are. Savvy has arrived at a decision that there is a â€Å"Null Hypothesis†, which implies that X training programs has no critical impact in bringing substance abusers into long haul restraint. In 1995 SMART concentrated almost 1000 individuals, from these they had the option to discover 99 who were released with the documentation of â€Å"treatment complete.† Of these 99 they chose 50 individuals aimlessly and had the option to discover just 18 of those 50 individuals, and of those 18 individuals, just 11 individuals said they had stayed perfect and calm since leaving the treatment and being instructed about medications. These examinations are proof that the invalid theory is valid and most training programs don't have any impact on the individuals who are being instructed about medications and liquor. In spite of the fact that the legislature is attempting to help with the issue, they aren†t doing a generally excellent activity. It is a typical perception that there is an embrace slack time in the government†s reaction to a social issue, for example, medications and liquor. A difficult will influence a general public for a long while and cause harm before the legislature will bolster any assets or a way to stop the issue. After they finance training projects to show youngsters medications and liquor, they continue subsidizing superfluously expanding charges, which send cash no place. The administration needs to spend more cash on acknowledging what they are fouling up in teaching understudies who just head out to utilize drugs anyway.There is a general subject of a Cultural Revolution of Drug Treatment programs found in America. The insurgency creatures with the gallant stage where the difficult starts and spreads quickly and the utilization of medications and liquor increments. Next is the traditional stage where the social issue arrives at its pinnacle and the utilization of medications is the most elevated. During the Classical stage, instruction programs are being utilized to attempt to stop and forestall medication and liquor use. At that point there is an Imperial stage where the difficult starts to decrease and reaches a conclusion after individuals have found out about medications and liquor. The last stage is the Decadent stage when the past clients who quit, being to utilize medications and liquor again the procedure proceeds. This shows medication and liquor instruction programs don†t truly do much in the method of forestalling drugs, aside from a present moment of no medication use. There are likewise numerous training programs in more established gatherings of individuals, for example, understudies. Liquor misuse anticipation programming on school grounds presents uncommon difficulties. Albeit numerous individuals consider understudies as youthful, they lawfully are grown-ups. Since 1972, when the lawful time of greater part was brought down to 18, undergrads have the entirety of indistinguishable rights and benefits from more seasoned grown-ups, aside from they can't drink legitimately until they arrive at the age of 21. Regardless of all the training that happened when they were more youthful, they are currently drinking under-age and purchasing liquor underage. Numerous undergrads are executed because of liquor harming. What did all that training about liquor do? Literally nothing on the off chance that they wound up drinking themselves to death. School overseers can no longer treat school students as kids and have no position to act the spot of guardians, since the guardians of a multi year old themselves have no legitimate authority over the understudy. The degree of a college’s power over its understudies involves contract. Schools can uphold lead codes just through agreement rights. At Indiana University-Bloomington, liquor is disallowed in all nearby undergrad living arrangements administered by the University, and in every single other zone open to people in general. While that is the standard, requirement is troublesome. Utilizing a solid authorization hand is exceptionally troublesome, and not very much acknowledged by understudies and numerous guardians. These understudies were taught about the guidelines of liquor at their school and furthermore about the circumstances and end results of liquor to the body and mind, however they despite everything don't tune in and considers show that they despite everything drink paying little mind to what avoidance program they experienced when they were adolescents. As should be obvious, and as the outcomes from all the investigations done show medication and liquor training programs have pretty much nothing and once in a while definitely no impact on the utilization of medications and liquor among understudies any age. Teenagers in secondary school, or grown-ups in school, they all maltreatment medications and liquor regardless of what tranquilize instruction program they experienced. Numerous individuals are even murdered using medications and liquor. The administration needs to understand that instructing individuals about medications just makes them mindful that the medications are out there and accessible to them. The most effective method to refer to Drug Education and Public Awareness, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Hegel: Reason in History Essay -- Philosophy History Essays

Hegel: Reason in History The second part of the Introduction to the Philosophy of History bears the title Reason ever; in any case, cautious investigation uncovers that it could similarly as appropriately been named Reason is History or better, History is Reason. Despite the fact that Reason exists in a limited structure inside the individual, the wholeâ€infinite Reasonâ€is essentially more noteworthy than the total of its partsâ€the aggregate of limited Reasons. Hegel's Reason is the unending material of all realityâ€the substance, structure, and force. History is simply the expanding cognizance of the Spirit for example Reason; that is, a dynamic increment of Reason inside the world. This connection among history and Reason is communicated by Hegel's concurrence with Leibniz this is the most ideal everything being equal. As it were, everything is as it ought to be. Actually, Hegel makes solid statements along simply these lines, that [Reason] uncovers itself on the planet, and that nothing else is uncovered on the planet however that Idea itself, its magnificence and superbness (12-13). It is from this thought Hegel determines the point that Re... Hegel: Reason in History Essay - Philosophy History Essays Hegel: Reason in History The second part of the Introduction to the Philosophy of History bears the title Reason ever; in any case, cautious investigation uncovers that it could similarly as relevantly been named Reason is History or better, History is Reason. In spite of the fact that Reason exists in a limited structure inside the individual, the wholeâ€infinite Reasonâ€is essentially more noteworthy than the entirety of its partsâ€the total of limited Reasons. Hegel's Reason is the endless material of all realityâ€the substance, structure, and force. History is simply the expanding cognizance of the Spirit for example Reason; that is, a dynamic increment of Reason inside the world. This connection among history and Reason is communicated by Hegel's concurrence with Leibniz this is the most ideal all things considered. As such, everything is as it ought to be. Truth be told, Hegel makes solid affirmations along simply these lines, that [Reason] uncovers itself on the planet, and that nothing else is uncovered on the planet yet that Idea itself, its magnificence and greatness (12-13). It is from this thought Hegel infers the point that Re...

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Analyzing Cultural Relevance in Instruction - 825 Words

Analyzing Cultural Relevance in Instruction (Movie Review Sample) Content: Analyzing Cultural Relevance in InstructionStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:Institutional Affiliation:DateAnalyzing Cultural Relevance in InstructionVideo analysis descriptionA class is an environment where teachers and students interact. Teachers provide guidance on topics while the students put efforts to understand. Student and teacher develop misunderstanding and cause issues. In this video, Jeff argues that the teacher does not teach professionally facing the students as he would wish he does. While teaching, the teacher interacts and face the students one on one to bring a sense of professionalism. Ms. Phung, though she sits comfortably in the chair shows how she is unconcerned with students as she cannot stand and teach while making the interactions. Instead of trying to solve the problem when it occurs, she rebuffs Jeff saying he is wasting her time and should move out of class to let others continue. Jeff has the right to complain because he thinks the teacher does n ot do the right thing. Jeff wants a more interactive class where everyone engages in the learning process. He even proposes to teach Ms. Phung how to improve and try making the lessons more interactive, rather than just sitting behind her desk.DiagnosisFrom the video, Jeff had grown frustrated with the method used when teaching in class. Ms. Phung does not teach when standing. In fact, Jeff considers this as the main problem. Jeff also states that students have their preferred way of being taught and that the manner in which Ms. Phung uses is not what they expect.Jeff and other students do not understand that very teacher has a way of teaching. On the other hand, the communication channel breaking down has contributed. It is wise to address any problem in a civilized manner to avoid an altercation in classes. On the part of setting the scene, I do not think that there is a special culprit. First, this is a circumstantial video where Jeff tries to show the problem. The teacher might be ignorant because she might assume that the method she teaches seems à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"perfectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ and each student loves it.There are three categories of people in this video. They include the teacher, other students and Jeff, the complainant. From this altercation, the three groups benefits. First, Jeff talks what is in his heart and that releases tensions. Besides, his complaint will be addressed in the future and restore the best teaching practices. Ms. Phung will become a beneficiary because she remains in a better position to realize the mistake pointed out, and try to develop and change the way she takes her lessons. The other groups of student's benefits because, the school administration will do research to find the best ways to teach and interact in class. On this issue, I can take a neutral position because of the view that student needs to say and propose how teachers should teach and also, teachers take positive criticism.SolutionsCoffey (n.d) says that a cultural ly relevant pedagogy inside a class has three parts. First, students must experience academic success. Students must develop and even maintain the cultural experience and finally, each student need to develop their critical consciousness where they challenge status quos on the social order. Using a relevant cultural approach in class brings understanding on how each part plays their role. The teacher must teach and help a student pass. On the other hand, students must get the knowledge and pass exams.Ms. Phung can play a bigger role to address Jeffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s problem. First, she could not have told Jeff to go out of class, but talk and agree in class, pointing out the problem and asking how Jeff to propose a better method on teacher-student interaction. According to Kelly (2008) one way of dealing with the class problem is to have the student take lesson on problem-solving so that each learner gets a different perspective on any conflict arising.To provide equitable learning chance s for all learners, Ms. Phung need to have a clearly stated learning outcome for students, match her assessment to what she teachers, put different measures, teach student on the need of interacting one on one and finall...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on What Is Anthropology How Is It Done - 2374 Words

What Is Anthropology? How Is It Done? People enter the field of anthropology for a variety of reasons. Some people enter the field by accident. This means that they did not intend on becoming an anthropologist. Some people were interested in the field from the start. One person married a social anthropologist; and, after living with a group of people for two years wrote an ethnography about the people. The first story is about Adrienne Zihlman. She is a paleoanthropologist. She collects all kinds of bones; so, she can contrive and test ideas about the origins of humans by studying the remains of living things (Shell 1991:37). Zihlman went to Miami University of Ohio, where she decided to major in anthropology after reading†¦show more content†¦The second story is about Barbara Smuts. She is a primatologist. Smuts decided to be a primatologist after seeing Jane Goodalls first article about chimpanzees in National Geographic (Rosenthal 1991:23). She graduated from Harvard in 1972; so, she started her graduate studies in biology at Stanford (Rosenthal 1991:24). While doing her graduate research, she flew to Goodalls Gombe Stream Research Center in Tanzania to study foraging patterns and social relationships in female chimps (Rosenthal 1991:24). During her first few years of research, Smuts had a lot of problems (Rosenthal 1991:24). On her first expedition, she and three other students were kidnapped (Rosenthal 1991:24). They were returned safe, but no one was allowed to research in Gombe except for Jane Goodall (Rosenthal 1991:24). Smuts decided to change the focus of her study to olive baboons (Rosenthal 1991:24). Her first baboon project fell through because of problems in Masai Mara, Kenya (Rosenthal 1991:24). She found that baboons are the perfect species to study because they are very social; and, she was interested in social relationships (Rosenthal 1991:24). She followed the baboons everywhere throughout the day (Rosenthal 1991:24). She thinks that she had a lot of success with the baboons because she was small and female (Rosenthal 1991:24). In the late 1980s, Smuts started to studyShow MoreRelatedCultural Anthropology Of Humans Living And Dead Anthropology938 Words   |  4 Pagesmajor barrier in advancement of our world. Anthropology, in short, is the study of humans living and dead Anthropology is divided into five main categories: applied, linguistic, medical, biological, archaeological, and cultural. Each of these five divisions teaches a different aspect of human life. Cultural anthropology teaches acceptance. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bad Effects of Technology - 5844 Words

Negative Effects of Computers in Classrooms By Jessy Norman Computers and other related technologies have become an enormous part of our daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space, and time. From our living rooms, we can now talk to people, and watch ev ents unfold in far-off places. Shopping, banking, and game playing are just a few of the other daily activities that have also changed. So many aspects of the ways we communicate and handle information have been altered by technological development. Cellu l ar phones, answering machines, voice mail, fax machines, cable televisions, computer networks, satellite communications and e-mail are only some recent changes. Other manifestations of this change would be the location of†¦show more content†¦. In the e arly 1960s Skinner said that teaching machines and programmed instruction would increase student learning. Those first-generation Apples and PCs often sat collecting dust in classroom corners, largely because teachers had little time or resources to learn more about them, even if they had the inclination. So, with more computers in classrooms now then ever, why is it that schools are not producing millions of Bill Gates clones? It seems that they have rushed this computers in with out having one k e y element-- training the teachers. Education Week Magazine has just completed a report on technology in school that shows teachers do not know what to do with all that RAM. Almost 50% dont use computers at all in teaching, and only 16 percent use the I nternet. The Educational software thats out there doesnt provide much promise:70% of high school teachers said finding useful products is nearly impossible (Teachers are Lagging off on Logging on). Today, however schools and teacher education programs a re having to assist teachers in learning the technology skills they need in order to prepare for life in the future. The use of computer technology and the growing access to educational resources through the Internet are requiring educators to rethink ho w they teach and to help students to prepare for work in upcoming decades. Most teachers, though are not adequately prepared yet to make use of exciting new educational technologies because neither their teacherShow MoreRelatedTechnology Has A Good Or Bad Effect On Learning Today?1136 Words   |  5 PagesDo you think that technology has a good or bad effect on learning today? The authors Clive Thompson, David Gelernter, Emily Yoffe, Nicholas A. Christakis, and James H. Fowler; all have different views on how technology s effects on today’s generation. Clive Thompson thinks technology helps students a lot in this day and age. 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For example, new innovative technology, social media, privacy, interaction with other people, and how this can affect people. In our present time youth culture, I believe technology is one of the most dominantly trending the mostRead MoreEffects Of Technology On Our Lives1679 Words   |  7 Pagespeople use technology eleven hours of the average waking hours of sixteen to eighteen. That is sixty one to sixty eight percent of waking time on technology. Overuse of any thing is unhealthy, especially overuse with so many adverse effects. Technology has three main categories of unhealthy effects. Physical, Mental/Emotional, and Social/Environmental. Because of its wide range of unhealthy effects on several aspects of life its use should be limited. Technology has unhealthy effects on many aspectsRead MoreAnalysis of Two Articles: Is Technology Good or Bad?1214 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology At Its Finest: Is it Good or Bad? 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Corporate Ethical and Social Issues

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Ethical and Social Issues. Answer: Introduction As of now, corporate ethics is a highlighted headline, more specifically, regarding the ethical issues confronting IT managers. Amongst others, the vibrant one is of data access and privacy. An information security professional has a vital role in a firm in protecting its privacy and security. In modern societies, to minimize liability threats, information security professionals have to know not only the current laws, regulations, but also how steps should be taken to educate the management and employees on their legal and ethical obligations to make proper use of information technology and security (Stylianou, Abrossimova and Savva, 2016). We would discuss a real life incident that reflects the ethical issue of Security: Have Systems Been Reviewed for The Most Likely Sources of Security Breach In 10 Ethical Issues Confronting IT Managers'' article by Jeff Relkin. The Case Study In 2015, VTech, a Hong Kong based company, a toymaker that sells educational gadgets fell victim to a major hack that revealed personaldata on 6.4 million children and 4.8 million adults. The company had been recording names, residential addresses, photos, videos, and chat logson hack-prone servers that attracted hackers who went to hard press the firm. Heading towards Ethics: In the case of VTech, Hackers retrieved adults profile information on names, email addresses and passwords. They also recovered secret questions and answers for password retrieval, I.P. addresses, email ids and downloads histories. The hacked database and servers boasted of the names, gender and birth dates of children that posed a bigger concern to security researchers. Stakeholderscan be affected by the firms objectives, policies, or actions. Hacking is such a criminal offence that makes all the stakeholders responsible as it compromises the promise of the company to keep as private, the personal data of its customers, who in turn may hold responsible the whole company unit for this leakage. On the part of shareholders its a breach of their trustworthiness that has negative impacts on the companys future and needs to be dealt effectively (Mullerat, 2013). On the part of the creditors, its a loss of creditworthiness of the company due to the fall in market reputation. The managers take it as a failure in their responsibility to manage, guide, or to make arrangements to train the staff adequately so as to avoid it (Suby, 2013). Also it has a negative impact on the board of directors and the recruiting board tha t could not prove its process of hiring to be efficient due to the occurrence of this misdeed, as, if they employed the potential individuals, the massacre would not happen. If resorted only to legal course of actions, just the present case could be solved. Nevertheless, this would just cure the symptom, but cannot kill the disease, i.e., chances of further hacking (Stylianou, Abrossimova and Savva, 2016). It has to take a whole lot of internal actions to control any further compromise. Without strengthening its internal structure first, a company can never go for further improvement and enhancing production, being deliberately under the risk of being unsecured (Mehrotra, 2012). So the management has to make necessary arrangements for proper training of employees and the company should hire internet experts to prevent such nuisances as far as possible, and try to develop hack-proof technologies. Now, its an extremely subjective context regarding up to what extent the company should stay prepared for, but what can be said is that it has to stay updated with the latest cases that did come up and how various companies resolved the case. They should also seek to know that how the injured firms took steps to recover their previous position and identity. Many things could cover the companys domain of all possible decisions. In our present case, upon discovering the unauthorized access on 24 November 2015, it immediately performed a thorough investigation, and a check of the affected site and rapid implementation of swift measures to defend against any further attack, as reported by the company in a statement. To defend it further, the company unfolded that No credit card information was stored, and some of its websites were shut down for the time being as a necessary step to combat the after-effects (Mehrotra, 2012). It reached out to every account holder, via email, to alert them of this unexpected event and many email enquiry contacts have been set up by the company to show their cooperation to the vulnerable customers. Apart from all the steps mentioned above, the company could also go for a sitting with the hacker who approached the news site Motherboard along with a request to stay anonymous and said that the data indicated that the company was guilty of using shitty security. Since the very beginning, the hacker made it clear to Motherboard that he had no intention of publishing the data, or selling it on an online market. Almost all of the evidences suggested that he wasn't the only person outside of VTech who could have got access the data. The employers of VTech need to undergo the various virtues regarding the development of a well-established and legalized tracking protocol, which included the involvement of web surfing, emailing and the impact of other employees towards a certain individual in terms of behavior concerns. The involvement of company computers or mobile devices is significantly observed to be the most affecting parameters concerning this issue. There are various ethical obligations, which can be analyzed for addressing the issue in a systematic and logical format. These are as follows: Thus, the stakeholders should hold it as a mistake on the part of the company as a whole. To give the discussion a new dimension, one could also stress on the fact that the above strategy could be one of the best marketing strategy of the company that it never has thought of. This is due to the fact that it would draw the attention of such a lot of people that it might drastically reduce its selling cost and also the cost of regaining its reputation. Apart from all these, the Board of Directors could also feel relieved regarding its monitoring quality and cost (Mullerat, 2013). Moreover, for the above case, the ACS case of ethics could also guide the company on ethical issues. It reflects that by resorting to ethical issues, the firm will also serve its various responsibilities as a part of the society. It could cater to various public interests by taking up production in the right fashion and thus contribute to peoples quality of life by satisfying needs (Shivani, 2012). Other than this, not only it would develop honesty on its part, but also undergo a great deal of professional development, a step to forward the society. Conclusion In place of conclusions, we can posit the fact that the level of security that could be implemented to take care of the issue is very subjective and varies with the intensity of privacy leakage, company size, and skill and from one company to the other based on decisions of the managers. It can be prescribed that other than resorting to legal steps to punish the hacker, in these types of cases, a firm should be liberal enough to talk with the hacker directly or indirectly to discover its faults. Not only would it reduce chances of further risks or cases of such misconduct, but also that it would co-incidentally get a large opportunity to rebuild its business career and, as a market player, it could cater to more human wants. Not only that, it could also go for tests under the guidance of the hacker to check the flaws of the firms security but also, in extreme case, it could recruit the hacker as a top security professional (Mehrotra, 2012). Needless to say that he is a mastermind of course and also, in the present case, the hacker hacked the company just as his hobby that in turn played with the companys reputation of the privacy. Amidst cultural differences that exist, some principles and standards should be maintained by all firms, like honouring basic human rights and, promoting peace and diversity. Moreover, integrity is the driver of ethical behaviour of people. This should be combined with research evaluation and together with that, particular or minimum ethical standards should be set by the Board of Directors to maintain an apparent level as an index of its performance in this particular field. Thus, legal steps might take a backseat here and ethical issue of protecting the security can stand as the flag holder where the firm has a lot more to do with and do away with. References Mehrotra, M.C., (2012). Ethics:à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Its Importance, Role and Code in Information Technologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œ.International Journal,2(7). Mullerat, R., (2013). Professional ethics, what for...?.Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, pp.173-199. Shivani, H.G., (2012). A Study of Ethical and Social Issues in E-Commerce.International Journal,2(7). Suby, M., (2013). The 2013 (ISC) 2 Global Information Security Workforce Study.Frost Sullivan in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton for ISC2. Stylianou, V., Abrossimova, K. And Savva, A., (2016). In Search Of A Business Code Of Ethical Computer Practices. Warren, E., Justice, C. And Supreme, U., (2005). Legal, Ethical, And Professional Issues In Information Security.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Essay Example

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Paper sound repeated within words where vowel sounds are repeated define assonance sound repeated where identical or similar consonant sounds are repeated at the end or within a line define consonance repetition recurrence of sounds, words, phrases, lines, or stanzas in a speech or piece of writing; increases the feeling of unity in a poem or song, called a refrain imagery language that emphasizes sensory impressions to help the reader of a literary work see, feel, hear, small and taste the scenes described in the work wants to look around why does the speaker stop in the woods? unsure of why theyre stopping why does the horse shake its bells? the village in the poem, what are the woods contrasted with? reminds the readers of his destination why does the poet repeat the last lines of the poem? AABA BBCB CCDC DDDD what is the rhyme scheme of the poem? sound besides sight imagery, what sense do lines 9-12 appeal to? reflective what is the overall tone of the poem? examples of consonance and assonance sounds sweet, he harness, bells gives, whose woods these, he see me, not stopping, woods frozen The poet is in the middle of the woods, enjoying nature and its peacefulness. However, he has something to do in the village and he knows he has to go. Hes not sure if he should stay or go, but he decides to leave. Describe the conflict hes facing. the village where does the owner of the woods live? theres nothing there why would the horse think its odd to stop there? wind and snow blowing what the poet hears besides the horses bells has somewhere to be and promises to keep why does the speaker decide to carry on with the journey? emphasizes how long of a trip he has left what is the effect of repeating the final lines of a poem? and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. what is repeated? helps readers appreciate the sound of a poem how do assonance and consonance strengthen the poem? helps you visualize the woods how efficiently does the speaker convey his attitude to the woods on the snowy evening? he enjoys watching nature what do these activities tel you about the speakers personality?